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Chapter 1
The Sun shone bright that day after weeks and weeks of rain. That seemed like a good omen for Awana as she sat at the breakfast table facing the window. It sure was a beautiful morning. She finished her French toast and scrambled eggs as fast as she could. She had always been quite dainty and slow at eating. But Awana had to be quick today. She had an interview at nine.
After gulping down her Orange juice, Awana took the dishes to the kitchen, washed and rinsed them and placed them on the kitchen rack. She was particular that her kitchen always looked neat and spotless.
Awana went to the bedroom. She chose a grey pencil skirt to wear that day and teamed it up with her turquoise blouse. She felt it complemented her five feet five inches slender frame to perfection. She pulled her hair back in a neat ponytail and glanced at the mirror. Awana felt satisfied with the way she looked.
She checked her files to make sure her interview call letter and credentials were in place. Awana placed them in her oversize tote bag. She opened a cab app on her phone and booked a cab for herself. She wore a pair of strappy sandals, slung her tote bag over her shoulder and headed out locking the door behind her.